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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc vulputate venenatis neque vitae aliquam. Quisque augue orci, commodo eget dapibus et, eleifend at est. Suspendisse potenti. Etiam ac mauris neque, eu mollis dui. Maecenas molestie varius nisi bibendum placerat. Integer quis felis vel neque posuere accumsan id eu justo. Aliquam erat volutpat. Phasellus tincidunt tincidunt eros sed blandit. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Integer vel diam urna, ut convallis tortor. Proin scelerisque purus eu augue scelerisque ac porta erat luctus. Phasellus nisi dui, ultrices nec auctor vitae, malesuada eget tellus.

Proin dolor velit, adipiscing nec pharetra vel, euismod ac diam. Sed sit amet nisl varius diam feugiat porta. Donec et viverra erat. Cras hendrerit nibh in odio adipiscing tincidunt. Fusce nulla mi, tincidunt quis facilisis sit amet, pharetra ac lacus. Praesent sed risus neque. Phasellus lectus nunc, lobortis id imperdiet a, scelerisque ut orci. Aliquam suscipit augue sit amet risus posuere vitae bibendum mauris aliquam. Morbi pretium mi in ipsum ultrices suscipit. Mauris eleifend tellus et felis interdum congue rhoncus leo cursus. Nunc eget neque quis augue feugiat sodales. Maecenas lacus magna, dignissim eu accumsan id, iaculis sit amet sem. Nulla vehicula tortor orci. Duis ac elit et dui commodo vehicula. Aliquam pretium tempus elit, ut facilisis ipsum vestibulum non. Pellentesque eu nisi id metus ornare venenatis eget sed nibh.

Donec imperdiet rhoncus euismod. Sed convallis porta aliquet. Ut vel quam at neque mollis volutpat vel in augue. Aliquam feugiat est sed nisl lobortis quis interdum eros ultrices. Ut sed dolor ante, in iaculis quam. Nam sed semper lacus. Donec venenatis pretium mollis. Maecenas quis erat et ligula iaculis adipiscing non ac eros. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Fusce ac erat dolor, ac luctus tortor. Nam vitae est sem, id dictum felis. Maecenas quis lectus convallis nulla malesuada suscipit. Nunc rutrum pellentesque sapien, quis feugiat lacus aliquet ac. Aliquam et sapien eu nulla laoreet pellentesque.

Nam feugiat ipsum vitae velit vehicula volutpat. Nullam mi orci, varius sit amet lacinia vitae, luctus non elit. Curabitur iaculis dictum nulla, sed ornare libero fringilla sed. Maecenas porta arcu scelerisque massa tincidunt bibendum. Fusce pharetra, justo et viverra ultricies, nunc lacus blandit ante, quis varius mauris nisi eu risus. In felis nisl, pharetra ut euismod sed, venenatis non orci. Maecenas posuere nisl sed lorem semper sodales. Donec dignissim nisi sit amet quam adipiscing non sodales risus fringilla. Aliquam erat volutpat. Proin euismod ligula vitae arcu iaculis at imperdiet erat cursus. Nam at magna leo. Duis vestibulum mattis tincidunt. Aliquam blandit auctor dictum. Praesent quis odio ut leo molestie imperdiet.

Sed condimentum turpis in sapien commodo convallis. Praesent gravida enim accumsan dui porttitor tincidunt. Sed sit amet diam et erat dictum porttitor. Curabitur interdum leo at justo posuere vehicula. Nullam non odio leo. Suspendisse ut nisl nec sem laoreet porta ut sit amet dolor. Vivamus id tellus vel justo porttitor porta ut sed felis. Vivamus fringilla ipsum sed orci hendrerit eget ullamcorper sem suscipit. Aliquam dictum lorem ac velit posuere a vehicula metus lacinia. In euismod nibh ac nunc rhoncus porta.

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#journal :#GetStamped: :#linuxdeviants: :#DANetworking:

So yeah! It's been awhile....just thought I'd drop by and let everyone know what was up in my life.

First of all, screenfetch has an awesome following now. I get emails weekly about people submitting patches and asking if I can add this or that. It's AWESOME. I love it. Progress is awesome on it as well. And it's hosted on SilverIRC's git as well. Has been for a long time...heh...guess I never got around to updating this journal after that happened. xD

Here's the new link:…

Also, here's a couple of other projects I've been working on lately...

mpdnotify:  You already know about this guy, but it's had a LOT of work done on it recently and it's ALSO now hosted at SilverIRC.  Link:…

mpdlyrics:  BASH script to display lyrics for the currently playing song on MPD. Doesn't even require mpc or some kind of external client. :D  Link:…  SilverIRC's own URL shortening service! It's awesome. Anyways, here's the link. Feel free to use it to shorten URLs and such:

aursearch:  BASH script to search the AUR. Searching and displaying results is all it does right now, but that's all I really wanted it to do in the first place. Link:…

I also joined up with a pretty cool project now known as Socius which aims to be a client for everything social media and chat, including Facebook, Twitter, and IRC. Pretty cool, and they're hosted at SilverIRC! Link:…

nHotSpot, one of my main sites, also got a few MAJOR updates, the biggest of which is that it is no longer named nHotSpot! It now goes under the name myNiritori (Don't ask, it was one of the other admin's ideas xD) and we even switched servers and hosting providers. Check it out at

So, that's basically what I've been up to. Comments? :D

AnonymousLink on #journal

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#journal :#GetStamped: :#linuxdeviants: :#DANetworking:


AnonymousLink on #journal
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Updates maybe?

19 min read

#journal :#GetStamped: :#linuxdeviants: :#DANetworking:

Hm. It's been forever since I updated. Sorry for the absence. I've been really busy. But I'm back for now! So here's some updates.

First off, I've got a big new project that I'm working on called screenFetch. It's official description is "The Bash Screenshot Information Tool" and it's used to display information about your current theme/setup in a screenshot of a Linux desktop. It's executed in terminal and displays there. A lot more information can be found at the following places:… Arch Linux Forums topic (has screenshots)… GitHub Project Page/Repository… Google Code Project Page/Repository

This is my biggest project ever and it'd be great if I could see it being used in Linux-related screenshots on dA. ;) I'll be uploading to dA soon.

College is nice. I still wish I was going to a university instead of community college. But this is much cheaper and I paid for the absolute fail I had at Missouri State. So, I'm stuck here for now. It's alright, though. I've got Calculus and Chemistry, which I've always been good at, so things are pretty easy for me right now. And I got a job in the computer lab, as well, so I'm bringing money while still on campus in between classes. ^^

In other news, SilverIRC has an official domain now: It's parked and we're using it for everything. The previous domain ( will stop working in several months, so change your configs! We also have a reshuffling of IRC servers/ops. We lost ikey as an IRC-Op and Server Owner, but gained Kingdomcome. So the ikey's server no longer works, but Kingdomcome's does now, and it's located at irc:// . Join us. ;)

AnonymousLink on #journal

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#journal :#GetStamped: :#linuxdeviants: :#DANetworking:

So, guess what today is? My 19th birthday! That's right. I turn 19 today, February 19th, 2010. Just in case anyone wanted to know. ;) Note: I enjoy birthday shenanigans. :paranoid:

Also, my server is back up and running. I've got a brand new setup going on and I think it will work SO much better than the last. Special thanks goes out to ArcherSeven for helping me when I was helplessly lost. ^^; I hope to get the IRC server back up and running again sometime in the next few days. I'm also excited about the new InspIRCd update coming soon. They just froze the 2.0 beta, so hopefully they'll make it stable soon. Yay!

So, that's about it for now. Don't really plan on doing anything special for my birthday. ^^ What do you all do for your birthdays? Comment here and tell me!

AnonymousLink on #journal

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Can haz new journal layout? by AnonymousLink, journal

Devious Journal Entry by AnonymousLink, journal

Devious Journal Entry by AnonymousLink, journal

Updates maybe? by AnonymousLink, journal

Happy Birthday to Me! ^^ by AnonymousLink, journal